Do You Have a Hard Time Setting Boundaries?


If you struggle to speak up for what you want and often feel...

  • tired

  • drained

  • angry

  • frustrated 

  • and the people in your life drive you batty...


You've come to the right place!

Boundaries Are Essential (and they don't have to be so hard)!


Healthy relationships---whether at work, in romantic partnerships, families or friendships---require skills, practice, and awareness. They involve self-knowledge, good communication and the ability to set - and keep - clear, loving boundaries.

The result? More respect, love, and peace of mind. Less burnout, less despair, and relationships that don’t drain you ... they FEED your soul. 

Improve your life by learning and practicing our highly effective way to set boundaries -- The Boundaries for Beautiful Relationships Method!

This LIVE course has closed. Please head over to Boundary University's Main Page to select any of our self-guided courses for all of your boundary needs!

(Click below to check out the courses)

The Boundaries for Beautiful Relationship Program will transform your life!



Get clarity about red flags, and know the minute someone crossed a boundary. We'll give you the tools to address the issue right away.


When triggered, it's hard to think. 'BOUNDARIES IN YOUR BACK POCKET' help prepare you for any situations that might come up - at work, with family, dating or relationships, or with friends.


You'll define exactly what you need and want to get what you need, and you'll discover the most effective way to express those needs to the people in your life---without feeling needy, whiny, or bitchy.


The combination of a dating/empowerment coach and a self-defense/martial arts expert, Sandy and Theresa bring a unique comprehensive approach to boundaries. 

NOTE: spaces in the course are limited; we keep it connected and intimate so you can get the accountability of holding those boundary skills.

You'll get a comprehensive 8-week boundaries program PLUS live coaching PLUS valuable bonuses. Including ...

  • Videos
  • Exercises
  • Handouts
  • A private group forum 
  • Weekly live Q&A and coaching with Sandy and Theresa 
  • Sign up now and you get INSTANT access to valuable bonuses and a unique Boundary Assessment!

Boundaries for Beautiful Relationships!

Hereā€™s What You'll Get In The Course ...

You'll learn everything you need to know about the beauty of setting boundaries. Imagine all of your relationships as peaceful, fulfilling, and rewarding.

Module 1: Why set boundaries?

  • Complete your boundary assessment to evaluate your specific boundary challenges. 
  • Discover what boundaries are (and aren’t), and what they look like in YOUR life.
  • Identify the actual cost of not setting boundaries when it matters.
  • Learn from actual case studies filled with practical knowledge & tips on how boundaries can keep you safe and sane.

Module 2: What’s your boundary archetype?

  • Learn the most common boundary archetypes and which category you fall into. 

  • Discover your downloaded 'Boundary Imprint' and why it's been difficult to set boundaries.

  • Learn tools to work through the fear of setting boundaries.


Module 3: Discover and express your authentic self

  • Learn how to express your feelings and needs so you have the language for setting boundaries.
  • Practice identifying what’s going on for you and decipher your Inner Warrior Code.
  • Uncover your unique set of values, and how you can use them to create the boundaries you set.
  • Shame: uncovering it and taking it out of the closet.

Module 4: Common and unique boundary challenges

  • Learn the most common boundaries challenges.
  • Discover your unique boundary challenges.
  • Understand The Drama Triangle and Triangulation.
  • Learn how to deal with Family Boundary issues.
  • Identify your limiting beliefs that stop you from setting strong boundaries.



Module 5: Boundary Scripts

  • Get scripts and a framework for how to handle dicey situations whenever they pop up.
  • Quickly recognize red flags and cure 'Red Flag Blindness'!
  • Identify toxic relationships before you get in too deep.
  • Deal with safety issues in dating or work relationships.

Module 6: Coming back to your highest self

  • Learn self-care and self-love/compassion practices. 
  • Getting centered and staying grounded.
  • Strengthen your inner skills: intuition, listening and trusting.
  • What's your Boundary Kryptonite?
  • Create your own Daily Check-In to stay in your power.

Module 7: How to set boundaries with others

  • Recognize triggers: what happens when your boundaries are crossed or you're disappointed, and how to handle it with grace.
  • Learn to say “no” in a way that doesn’t mean you’re shutting a person down or rejecting them. 
  • Notice when something makes you uncomfortable, and learn how to express your discomfort directly and kindly.
  • A step-by-step Boundaries Guide for those times you know you’ll be in challenging situations.

Module 8: Become a Boundaries Ninja 

  • Having 'Boundaries in your Back Pocket'.

  • Discover the tools you need to stay calm in challenging situations.

  • Manage your emotions and the tone of voice.

  • Learn how to handle criticism in real life (and online).

  • Create your 'Boundaries Practice' for the rest of your life! 

"Until this course, I did not have the understanding that having healthy boundaries was even possible! I now have scripts to use so I can be be clear in a straightforward, kind way what my values and needs are in any relationship. Invaluable!"

Wendy K.

Meet Your Instructors ...

Here are your Boundary Queens!

Sandy Weiner

Sandy helps women uncover their highest potential and unleash the leader within. The CEO of Last First Date and The Woman of Value, she's an internationally known TEDx speaker, dating and relationship coach, women's empowerment coach, and author.

She’s also the host of two podcast, Last First Date Radio and The Woman of Value Podcast. Sandy believes a 'woman of value' gets the respect and rewards she deserves in life and love.

Theresa Byrne

Theresa is a certified Master Instructor and Coach in self-defense/martial arts, a TEDX speaker, award-winning author of 5 books, and CEO of InPower™.

She's been training people how to say safe and activate their inner power for since 1999 on television and in workshops. After working with tens of thousands of clients, she knows the ins and outs of what it takes to set boundaries and stay safe no matter what.  

"I was headed to a family reunion and for the first time in forever, I used tools! My family didnā€™t push my buttons! What a relief! After learning my triggers, I learned how to stay calm and grounded. Thank you! "

Amy B.

"I started dating someone new and while it seemed great - I needed more communication. After realizing it was OK to say something, it was easier than I imagined to ask for what I wanted. "

Terrance W.

"Thank you, Sandy and Theresa. I realize I am such a terrible overgiver with family, friends, partners, etc. Setting boundaries feels empowering. Very difficult, it's such a huge work in progress! "

Nat K.

"I wanted to finally break my pattern of dating emotionally unavailable men. I wanted to finally break my pattern of dating emotionally unavailable men. I gained the confidence to be my true self when communicating with and meeting men. I am now in a wonderful relationship with a really good man. "

Leslie B.

""Now Iā€™m dating a great man who not only respects what I want, he ASKS me if Iā€™m getting my needs met! I had no idea that was possible!" ā€œI had no idea learning boundaries was as important as they are - no idea. After taking your training I realized many of the issues in my past relationships were because I didnā€™t know how to speak up for myself and I thought ā€˜being kindā€™ meant being a doormat. Theresa, youā€™ve shown me the light! Now Iā€™m dating a great man who not only respects what I want, he ASKS me if Iā€™m getting my needs met! I had no idea that was possible!ā€ "

S.C. Knight

" I canā€™t thank you enough! I was so stressed out - having a tough conversation with my boyfriend almost made me want to avoid it altogetherā€¦but through your training, I knew I had to talk about what was bothering me. Iā€™m so glad I did! It turned out better than I ever couldā€™ve expected! You helped me not only wrap my head around what I was feeling and what I wanted to say, you helped me figure out how to say it! I really like this guy - Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t shut down, THANK YOU!ā€ "

Elle Hamilton

Get Access To Exclusive Bonuses

Here are three amazing bonuses you get for free if you sign up today!


Guided Meditation: Higher Self Clearing

This beautiful MP3 guided meditation by Theresa Byrne will help you connect to your core essence, your highest self. This tool is essential to increasing your self worth, which is a cornerstone to creating the healthy loving relationships you deserve.

Value: $79


Embracing Anger - The Course to Understanding Your Anger

It’s one of the most maligned emotions in our human experience and something we all have to learn how to deal with effectively. Pretending we don’t get angry doesn’t work, neither does holding it all in, then exploding. We never learned about all the available anger options so it’s always been a reaction. Until now. 

Value $500


Your Boundary Journal and Boundary Assessment

A beautiful journal to help you gain clarity about your own personal boundaries and improve your skills on the path toward becoming a Boundary Ninja.

And an in-depth assessment on your boundary history designed to help you identify where you might have compromised your boundaries. 

Value $197

"I signed up for the Boundaries for Beautiful Relationships course, because I was a people-pleaser. I didnā€™t understand that setting boundaries is OK, and I didnā€™t have the tools to do it with kindness. I learned that I can change my limiting beliefs. I am not stuck with them forever! I can set boundaries with grace because healthy boundaries are not WALLS. I use the boundary scripts now. Saying "no" when you mean "no" is ok. I can even revisit commitments and say no."


"So many light bulb moments in this course! Realized triangulation is a co-workerā€™s go to. Just yesterday, I told him to take the issue to that person and come up with your plan of action or just accept it. Setting my boundaries by helping him walk through options and not getting involved"

Mary C.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

We stand behind the work we do, and we want you to know that you have a risk-free guarantee. You'll have a full 30 days with us. We will ask that you show you've done the homework/exercises, and interact in the group forum but if it's not for you, there's a full 30 days to request a refund. 

This LIVE course has closed. Please head over to Boundary University's Main Page to select any of our self-guided courses for all of your boundary needs!

(Click below to check out the courses)


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