Your Boundary Expert Trainers

Theresa Byrne and Sandy Weiner have been successfully practicing and teaching boundaries for several decades.


With their global reach through coaching, training, videos, podcasts, and writing, they teach multiple aspects of boundaries.


They've collaborated to offer several comprehensive programs that go beyond the typical way boundaries are taught. Their students' lives have been profoundly affected, and we believe yours will, too.


Sandy Weiner

Sandy Weiner, founder of Last First Date and The Woman of Value, is an internationally known TEDx speaker, dating and relationship coach, women's empowerment coach, author, and podcast host. She believes a woman of value gets the respect and rewards she deserves in life and love.

Sandy’s work has been published in Mind Body Green, The Huffington Post, Psychology Today, The Good Men Project, the Chicago Tribune, and more.

She’s also the host of two podcast, Last First Date Radio and The Woman of Value Podcast. Sandy believes it's never too late to have the life and love you want!


For more on Sandy, click here

Theresa Byrne

Theresa Byrne is a modern day “revolutionist” in personal power. She’s a global self-defense and personal protection specialist both on TV and in workshops around the world, TedX speaker, and an inventor/innovator who’s focused on unleashing personal power, inner strength, increasing safety and pioneering the future of how we take care of ourselves.

She was the first woman to earn the distinguished rank and title of “Master” in her martial arts system in 2012 (a blended style of krav maga, hapkido, brazilian jiu jitsu, muay thai kickboxing, and taekwondo) after over 20 years of training/teaching. She holds a 4th Degree Master Black Belt & Instructor Certification with over 45,000 hours of teaching/training in many modalities. 

She is the author of 5 books including developed an innovative educational and training system relating to personal power, boundaries, and success to the public called, InPower.

Theresa Byrne is an inner power expert and a Certified Positive Intelligence© Coach.

Her 2019 TEDTalk on healing her brain from a devastating car accident struck a nerve. Arianna Huffington at her magazine Thrive Global chose it as one of the "Top 10 Most Meaningful TED Talks." As a role model for powerful women, she teaches people how to change their physiology in just three seconds by using their inner power.

For more on Theresa, click here